Manapany - Resort Visit

Our Services
Luxury, Relaxation and Entertainment

Discover all the exceptional services offered by the Hotel Manapany in St. Barts.

Our team is dedicated to offering you an experience you’ll never forget, combining luxury, relaxation, and entertainment.
Explore our array of services, carefully designed to exceed your expectations.

Sample each of our services to discover how we transform every detail into a state-of-the-art high-quality experience.

Entertainment & Relaxation

Hotel Manapany
Hotel Manapany
Hotel Manapany
Hotel Manapany
Hotel Manapany

Taking care of yourself

Eat & drink

Restaurant & Bar

Savor cuisine that combines local products and a typical French touch in our restaurant and bar.

Be seduced by our subtle cooking and a wide selection of drinks.

Manapany - Restaurant
Manapany - Pique Nique

Manapany Picnic

The Manapany Picnic transforms a simple meal into a luxurious celebration of gastronomy and nature. At 45€, this culinary experience is much more than just a meal: it's an invitation to savor a unique moment in an exceptional setting. We offer two exquisitely prepared menus to satisfy all tastes and desires: the Frenchie Picnic, for an immersion in French gastronomic elegance, and the Healthy Picnic, for a tasting experience that is both healthy and delicious.

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