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The site www.hotelmanapany-stbarth.com/fr is the property of SAS SBMA.

Customer service :
B SIGNATURE Hotels & Resorts
46 Bis rue des Hauts Pavés
44000 Nantes

Responsible for the publication: GIE B SIGNATURE Hotels & Resorts


You are currently connected to the Hotel Manapany website. By accessing this site, the user agrees to comply with these terms of use.

The presentation and each of the elements, including the domain name, brands, logos, signs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphics, and other files appearing on this site, are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, and belong to SAS SBMA, or are the object of an authorization of use.
No element of the site www.hotelmanapany-stbarth.com/fr may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, loaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, in any medium whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of SAS SBMA with the exception of a strict use for personal, private and non-commercial use without modification of the elements on the site.
Any other use not expressly authorized of the site www.hotelmanapany-stbarth.com/fr or its elements would constitute an infringement of the rights of SAS SBMA punishable by articles L355-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
In particular, the use of the content of this site for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

No failure or delay on the part of SAS SBMA to initiate any procedure to enforce its rights may be considered or constitute a waiver or subsequent waiver of such right.

All information accessible via this site is provided as is. It is not contractual and SAS SBMA cannot be held responsible for it. SAS SBMA gives no explicit or implicit guarantee, and assumes no responsibility for the use of this information.
The user is solely responsible for the use of such information.
The user undertakes not to transmit on this site any information that could lead to civil or criminal liability and undertakes in this respect not to disclose via this site any information that is illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory.

Although SAS SBMA has taken care to ensure that the information presented on the site is correct at the time of their posting, SAS SBMA does not guarantee their accuracy and completeness and therefore can not be held responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions concerning them. This site is made available to you free of charge, without any guarantee of any kind as to its content. SAS SBMA cannot be held responsible for any damage related to the content, the use of the site or any message that could be sent via the site.

The responsibility of SAS SBMA can not be sought in case of failure, inaccessibility, failure, bug or difficulty of operation of all or part of the site.

This site may contain hyperlinks to other sites, set up with the authorization of SAS SBMA. Nevertheless, SAS SBMA does not control in any way the content of these sites and will not assume any responsibility related to these sites.

SAS SBMA reserves the right at any time and without prior notice to improve, modify, suspend or permanently discontinue all or part of the site and to restrict or prohibit access to it.

In case of litigation between the professional and the consumer, they will try to find an amicable solution.
If no amicable agreement is reached, the consumer has the possibility of referring the matter free of charge to the consumer mediator to which the professional belongs, i.e. AME CONSO, within a period of one year from the date of the written complaint sent to the professional.
The seizure of the mediator of consumption will have to be carried out :
- Either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com
- Or by mail addressed to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine - 75001 PARIS.

As of 2022, when consulting the website www.hotelmanapany-stbarth.com/fr, certain information relating to the navigation of your terminal may be recorded in files called "Cookies" or other tracers installed on your terminal, subject to the choices that you have expressed concerning Cookies and that you can modify at any time.
A policy on the use of cookies will be brought to your attention as soon as SAS SBMA activates these cookies. A module for setting the parameters of the Cookies will also be proposed to you.

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